9 May 2022

Pond Dipping

Mountains 7 have been pond dipping at Moresby Parks Nature Reserves where they found tadpoles, water boatmen and dragonfly nymphs.

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9 May 2022

Visit to the Fire Station

Our Sixth Form Towards Independence group visited the Fire Station as part of their Personal Safety Unit. They enjoyed learning about equipment, trying it on, experiencing the fire engine with a little trip around to the back doors and hooting the horn as well as setting up and using the fire…

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6 May 2022

Lakes 8 visit the Farm

Lakes 8 had a trip to the farm last Friday. They had so much fun feeding the cows, moving the lambs to the different pens and meeting the pig.  They almost ended up with a bus full of pet lambs!!

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29 April 2022


Key Stage 1/Key Stage 2 Move Group have been exploring their new topic ‘Summer at the Seaside’ whilst practising their critical skills including low kneeling, standing and sitting cross legged.

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25 April 2022

Rivers Trust

Mountains 2 and Mountains 3 enjoyed visiting Longlands Lake in partnership with the rivers trust. The students enjoyed a treasure hunt around the lake and pond dipping. They found tadpoles in the pond and saw some mallard ducks and swans. We hope to return soon to see the tadpoles turn into…

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22 April 2022

Ahoy There!

Lakes 3 have started their new topic and have been exploring lots of different pirate related activities. They helped the pirates count their coins, organise their treasure and run away from the sharks! 

Lakes 4 have started their topic with a focus on pirates. The children walked the plank…

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1 April 2022

Bake Off

This morning Mountains 6 held a bake off competition to raise money for our Voc Ed enterprise fund.  It was an eventful morning and £14 added to our funds! Well done to all the winners.

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30 March 2022

25 Years of Move

Today we celebrated MOVE's 25th birthday.  Verity Snowdon from MOVE joined us along with Cumbria Woodlands and we celebrated 25 years of MOVE by planting 25 trees, one for every year of MOVE.

Thank you to all the parents who gave up their day to spend it with us.

Massive thank you to ISA for…

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25 March 2022


Over the last few weeks Lakes 5 have been learning about real life Superheros linked to their Superhero topic.  Caroline our School Nurse, came in to talk about her job as a nurse.  The children enjoyed role playing with her equipment.  In they activities they explored real life superheros such as…

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24 March 2022

Beach School - Mountains 6

Students from Mountains 6 have been taking part in Beach Schools.  They have been learning about the beach environment, the tides, collecting firewood and building pebble towers.

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23 March 2022

Lakes 3 - Easter Bunny

Lakes 3 have started their new Spring and Easter topic.  They have been reading their new sensory story "We are going on a Egg Hunt" and have explored lots of Easter activities. They have been painting their own Easter bunny.

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16 March 2022

Supporting Families in the Ukraine

Today we showed our support for the families in the Ukraine by wearing blue and yellow.  We raised £280.50 and have boxes of supplies to send.  Thanks for all your support.

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