
Parents and Carers should report pupil absence to school on the first day of absence, this can be done by pressing option 1 when you contact school, please leave your child’s full name, class and reason for absence.

You can also report absence using the Absence Reporting tab at the top of our school website.

Mornings are a very busy time, please do not rely on bus escorts passing messages to staff.

We monitor absence on a daily basis, if we have any unidentified reasons for absence a member of the admin team will call home after 10.30am.

Our school day starts at 9.00am and finishes at 3.00pm

Changes to Attendance Regulations 

New changes to legislation mean that all schools in England will now be required to refuse requests for holiday absence during term time.

The Department for Education believe that time lost due to family holidays taken in term time can be disruptive to their childs education and have a serious effect on their learning, this has led them to remove the discretionary 10 day period of absence which covered family holidays.

Mayfield School will now only be able to grant leave of absence during term time in exceptional circumstances. It is also important to note that these changes are made by the Government's Department for Education and Mayfield School has no power or influence to overrule them.

The changes took effect from 1st September 2013, if you require leave of absence for exceptional circumstances then you should put the request in writing at least two weeks before the departure date. In this letter you should outline why you consider this request be of an exceptional nature.

Parents who take their children on an unauthorised holiday in term time could be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority.

Attendance Policy

Updated: 02/05/2024 492 KB