Everyone Thinking, Everyone Learning
The aims of our school are for all young people to be safe, happy and enjoy learning.
Specifically, we aim for our pupils to be:
- Effective communicators
- Independent learners
- Prepared for life after school
- Creative, adaptable and able to manage change
At Mayfield School, it is our overall intention to provide a curriculum, which is motivating and engaging that allows pupils to achieve and make progress in their own personalised way based on their own assessed levels. The curriculum is designed to enable our pupils, to develop the skills that they will ultimately need as adults in order for them to have the greatest level of independence and lead the most fulfilled life. Learning does not happen in isolated one-off lessons or targeted sessions. It is our intention that we create an environment that enables our pupils to experience learning opportunities from the moment they join us in the morning until we wave them off again at night. Therefore, our curriculum at Mayfield School includes all that a pupil may experience – developing social skills at playtime, taking a message to the office staff independently and asking for extra cake at lunch time with your communication device. We value that different types of learning experiences are needed for different individuals and it is our intention that we have created a school and a curriculum that offers every pupil the chance to be successful.
The basis of Mayfield School’s curriculum implementation starts with high quality specialised teaching. Teachers use their knowledge and assessment of pupil’s individual abilities to place them on the correct learning pathway and identify key priority areas. Emphasis is placed on teaching our pupils the skills that they need in order to be more independent and ready for learning and we recognise that without the development of these skills over time, learning will not be maintained and our pupils will not reach a level of mastery. Therefore, our curriculum is implemented using three personalised pathways, which allow different pupils to develop appropriate skills for their academic and developmental level and learning style. Our pathways, are based primarily on the Equals curriculum and pupils are grouped in classes according to the pathway they are accessing.
Pre-Formal Curriculum
This curriculum is a person centered, holistic curriculum designed for our pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Pupils accessing our pre-formal curriculum are working at a very early developmental stage. Their learning is non-subject specific and is lateral as opposed to linear. Pupils work towards targeted areas within early communication and early cognition as based on the Routes for Learning framework. Teachers develop an Engagement profile for each child and assess through careful observation. This thorough knowledge of the pupils and the five areas of engagement for each individual, allows the teachers to plan and deliver motivating, multi-sensory activities, which have extremely personalised small step targets. Lessons are organised around termly topics and incorporate not only the pre-formal Equals curriculum areas but also recognised programs and interventions such as MOVE, intensive Interaction, hydrotherapy and TAC PAC which supplement the curriculum.
Semi-Formal Curriculum
Our semi-formal curriculum is developmental in nature and open to personalisation. It is a non-subject specific pathway and is planned around termly topics and learning areas. The learning areas are taken from the Equals semi-formal curriculum and include:
- My Outdoor School
- My Physical well being
- My Communication
- My Independence
- My Play and Leisure
- My Thinking and Problem solving
- The World About me
- My Drama
- My Dance
- My Art
- My Music
Lessons and activities incorporate key skills and have a focus on building independence, promoting social skills and developing communication. It looks for pupils to develop the highest level of mastery possible in each skill by encouraging pupils to become more fluent, more independent, be able to generalise the skills and maintain the skill over time rather than simply move quickly through a linear assessment ladder.
Formal Curriculum
Our Formal Curriculum is a subject specific curriculum, which has been adapted to cater for the needs of our pupils. The delivery and assessment of the curriculum is not age related, but rather where someone is on his or her learning journey at any particular time.
In Key Stage One and Two our formal pupils follow a National Curriculum based curriculum but also bring in elements of developing independence, life skills and thinking and problem solving, building on the semi-formal curriculum. Phonics is taught through the Read, Write inc scheme and Oxford reading Tree is the preferred reading scheme although we allow a degree of flexibility to allow for pupils to engage with a wide range of literature, promote a love and curiosity around reading, make reading functional and to cater to topics and subjects which are motivation for our pupils.
In Key Stage Three and Four our formal pupils, transfer to the Moving-On Equals Curriculum and have an opportunity to complete ASDAN Transition Challenge. This begins their preparation for adulthood and gives them the opportunity to make their skills and knowledge functional. Entry-level qualifications in Maths and English are available and delivered through Ascentis.
As personalisation is at the heart of our school, we recognise that some pupils will fluctuate and excel in specific parts of the curriculum. Where this is the case, pupils are given the opportunity to work across different curriculum pathways. For example, a semi-formal pupil who excels at numeracy will access formal numeracy sessions. We also have the opportunity to bring in subject experts or link with local mainstream secondary schools, to allow our pupils to access higher qualifications if they show a particular talent for a subject.
The academic progress of our pupils is assessed in a summative manner, using the Classroom Monitor assessment package. This allows teachers to track progress across all learning areas regardless of curriculum pathways. We can also draw judgements and make comparisons between specific cohorts and groups to identify whole school trends and inform our school improvement plans.
However, at Mayfield School we recognise that achievements based on linear academic progress alone, do not always give us a whole child picture and can sometimes hide some key important small steps of progress that have been achieved by our unique learners. We therefore assess the impact of our curriculum based on our intention for that individual at a given time and where we want them to be in their short term future and the long term. These intentions and priorities are set and reviewed during EHCP review meetings, pupil progress meetings, discussion with parents, listening to the pupil and teacher judgement and these are reviewed regularly. Judgements and next steps can then be planned and shared with all.
However, despite all the personalisation of our teaching and learning some things are universal for all our pupils and this is how we want to judge the impact of our curriculum:
• We are able to demonstrate and recognise achievement for all pupils and celebrate it.
• All our pupils are suitably prepared with skills that will help them in adulthood.
• Attending and learning at Mayfield School is a positive, motivating experience and pupils feel safe.