Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up Premium 2020 - 2021

The Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium is a sum of money allocated to Year 7 students who have not reached the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of KS2.

Mayfield is a special school which delivers education to students with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties.  All students, on entry into Mountains Department, are below national age related expectations. Consequently, Mayfield School receives literacy and numeracy catch-up premium for all Year 7 students.

Previous Spending
In 2019-2020, the sum of money received was £6,350

The Year 7 catch-up premium was spent on:

  • An enhanced transition programme
  • Supporting the resourcing of teaching independent numeracy skills

Supporting the maintenance and development of a reading programme focusing on the purchasing of library and reading books reading resources and employing additional staff to support and highlight reading specifically for boys.

How last year’s allocation made a difference?

  • The results of the catch up money were positive.
  • Year 6 students transitioned positively into Year 7 and as a result of the transition team’s work, all students were placed in the correct classes and no ‘in year’ movement occurred as a result of not being in the correct learning environment.
  • In school data shows that there was an increase in attainment in the area of Improving and applying data.
  • There was evidence, from in school data, that there were improved reading outcomes for boys
  • There was evidence of increased uptake of taking reading activities home

Current Spending Intentions

There are an increasing number of students with very complex learning profiles, often with associated anxiety related behaviours.

Some of these students will require a bespoke timetable at times. Some funding is being used to ensure staffing is appropriate to allow bespoke timetables to be managed.

A number of students need to develop further their social interaction and communication skills so some resources will be purchased to be used in small groups.

After Covid, we will also use the money to deliver a range of specific interventions and therapies such as massage, bereavement counselling, play therapy.
Mental health training remains of the highest priority for this year.

Spending allocation this year is £7000