At Mayfield School some of our complex needs pupils follow the MOVE Programme.
The MOVE Programme gives the individual positive opportunities to help them reach and maintain their maximum potential.
Each pupil has a personalised programme which is created around achievable personal goals set by the pupil and their family developing physical and communication skills for both learning and life.
Parents and Carers are involved in this process from the beginning. An initial assessment is carried out and parents and carers are invited into school to meet with staff to discuss their child’s needs now and what you/they would like to achieve in the future, setting purposeful goals which are meaningful and motivates them to learn.
The MOVE programme has proved to be very successful in our school and has been of great benefit to the students past and present.
MOVE is a six step functional programme designed to meet the needs of children and adults who have not yet developed, or are working to regain, the physical skills necessary to sit, stand, walk or transfer.
The six steps of MOVE:
1. Assessment: We use a top down approach to assess the participant’s highest level of achievement by following the 16 components.
2. Goal Setting: Parents and/or the participant if applicable meet with the MOVE Team to set the goals which are motivational and functional.
3. Task Analysis: The breakdown of a goal into component tasks which are required to complete an activity.
4. Measuring Prompts: We determine how much help or support is needed to achieve their goals (a prompt refers to the amount and type of assistance given).
5. Reducing Prompts: Reduce the prompts when applicable.
6. Teaching the skills: There are four steps to learning—acquisition, fluency, maintenance and generalisation
MOVE is an acronym with each letter signifying the following:
Movement which is the foundation for learning. Children need to be able to move around to learn and explore their surroundings, to gain confidence and self-esteem and to develop cognitive, communication and social skills.
Opportunity we believe all children can learn, provided they are given repeated opportunities to practice new skills in daily life.
VE Via Education MOVE incorporates both teaching and therapy skills. It combines learning mobility skills with a teaching approach designed to help the participant acquire functional independence.
Purpose of the Programme:
● Enables participants and parents/carers to set goals.
● Allows new skills to be introduced in the MOVE group, then practiced during functional daily activities.
● Improves physical fitness and general health of the participant.
● Reduces time and energy for daily care.
● Provides opportunities for integration, inclusion and independence within the community.
At Mayfield we are great believers in the MOVE programme. We work hard with the children and young people and their families to offer an individualised programme based on the personal goals of the participant and their family, making it motivational, fun and functional.
We have two MOVE groups which meet once a week, where the children and young people are taught new skills on a one to one basis. We concentrate on practising these skills in a slow paced group whilst taking part in a variety of topic based activities.
MOVE at Mayfield is embedded into everyday life with the children and young people practising and using their individual targets at every opportunity, in a functional way.
More information can be found by clicking here
We have 4 MOVE co-ordinators who run the programme, setting the targets and keeping up-to-date records of achievement. Alongside this there are a number of MOVE practitioners working in the classrooms to support the children and young people, focusing on integrating the targets into their learning on a daily basis.
The MOVE Team

Alison Harper
Alison has been a Senior Teaching Assistant at Mayfield for 25 years. She became interested in the MOVE Programme after being involved in one of the first MOVE groups at Mayfield School. She firstly became a Senior MOVE Practitioner, then recently took over the role of MOVE Co-ordinator after attending a MOVE Trainer course in 2018. She feels privileged to see the determination and achievements of all the students on the MOVE programme. Even the smallest achievement makes her so proud to be part of it.

Siobhan McGrady
Siobhan began her career at Mayfield as a midday supervisor in 2005 and went on to become a teaching assistant in 2007. She has had a keen interest in the MOVE programme and firstly became a Senior MOVE Practitioner then took over the role of MOVE Coordinator in 2018 after attending the MOVE Trainer course. She runs a weekly MOVE group where the students practice skills they have learnt and she helps them acquire new skills. she loves to see the progress the students make whether big or small steps and is proud to be involved in their achievements.

Vicky Cowan
Vicky has been a Teaching Assistant for 18 years, the past 9 years being at Mayfield School. She became really interested in the MOVE Programme after completing the Senior MOVE Practitioner course. This gave her an insight as to why the programme is so important which led her to become the MOVE Coordinator for KS2.

Ellie Curwen
Ellie has been a teacher at Mayfield for 3 years and this year has a class in which 4 children are on the MOVE Programme. She became passionate about MOVE after seeing the impact it has on the children's independence in all aspects of their lives, for example, empowering them to make choices of what activity they want to go to in lessons by being able to take themselves over to what they are interested in. She became a MOVE practitioner in 2019 and looks forward to working with pupils across the school, nothing makes her happier than seeing their determination pay off around the school corridors as they achieve new milestones.
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